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Technical Level Design on a massive online multiplayer game
Creation of a 100 player Battle Royale map, working together with a team of 6 level designers
Design & concepting of various areas of the map
Creation of landscape and various Points of Interest (villages, bandit camps, outposts, etc..), using Unreal Terrain tools, BSP Brushes and art assets from our team
Set dressing (props & foliage) & Loot placement
Blueprinting procedural tools to speed up workflow of the team
PC (Steam)
Unreal Engine 4
Unreal Blueprints (C++)
Tools used:
Unreal Editor, JIRA, P4V
10 months
Team size:
Current status:
Published on Steam (closed alpha)
Servers online daily at 20:00 - 22:00 CEST
Game Description:
Welcome to the 19th century. The Survivors is an Arctic Western Battle Royale where you and 99 other gold hunters fight for a claim in the gold rush. Scavenge for equipment in the rough, unforgiving Silverspring County. The environment sets the pace; only storm eyes are safe from the raging storm, and bandits are out for your gold. Do you have what it takes, or will you be blinded by your greed?
Creating the Yukon Map:
For The Survivors, I was working with a group of 6 level designers to create the Yukon map
I was responsible for tiles C2, C4, C5, C6, D4, D5 and D6
Apart from creating the art assets, those tiles were entirely my work. My level design tasks included: world and area concepting (themes), multiplayer flow planning, terrain sculpting (heights, smoothing) and painting (ice, snow, grass, mud, roads), creating buildings and structures from modular assets, AI camp placement, prop placement (set dressing), and foliage placement.
I also created one of the hero pieces in our game: the Lumbermill on C4

World design trailer:
The world design trailer shows some areas I created, such as the lumber mill and a house interior
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Points of Interest:
The following screenshots show the biggest POIs I designed and created

Technical Design / Blueprinting
Blueprinting work
As a technical Designer, I helped improve the team work flow by creating some tools in Unreal Blueprints
I created a "cheat tool" for level designers, allowing faster movement, teleportation, spawning weapons, etc
I made a "metrics tool" for character balancing, making for easy tweaking in-game
I also created a procedural spline asset spawner for set dressing
Finally, I made a procedural area spawner for set dressing, which can be seen below
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Blueprinting Document
For school evidencing purposes, I made a document describing my process of developing and iterating on the two procedural set dressing tools that I created. It can be found at

Level Design - Design Documentation
Lumber Mill - Design Doc
All tiles - Sketches & Reference